The Light of the Eldari (Flower of the Universe #1) - Through the vastness of space, among the countless timelines, across the myriad dimensions, one race rules supreme. The oldest race, the original race, the first amongst many, Earthmen, now known to all as Quol, named for and after their god, Michanis Quollet, he who made all things possible. Unstoppable, unbeatable, the Quol are relentless in their pursuit of the 'game'. War is their sport and gambling is their passion. But for all their incredible power, there is still one thing they fear; A thing guarded by an ancient race of weak, old men. Hiding on a remote planet in a medieval world of knights and castles, they shield the Heartstone. And at last it has been located. So why is the most powerful race in all existence scared of a small stone?

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Book Details

️Book Title : The Light of the Eldari (Flower of the Universe #1)
⚡Book Author : T.F.G. Wallis
⚡Page : 500 pages
⚡Published June 19th 2017 by (first published June 2nd 2015)

The Light of the Eldari (Flower of the Universe #1)

Through the vastness of space, among the countless timelines, across the myriad dimensions, one race rules supreme. The oldest race, the original race, the first amongst many, Earthmen, now known to all as Quol, named for and after their god, Michanis Quollet, he who made all things possible. Unstoppable, unbeatable, the Quol are relentless in their pursuit of the 'game'. War is their sport and gambling is their passion. But for all their incredible power, there is still one thing they fear; A thing guarded by an ancient race of weak, old men. Hiding on a remote planet in a medieval world of knights and castles, they shield the Heartstone. And at last it has been located. So why is the most powerful race in all existence scared of a small stone?